The Blue Community

The Blue Community is a closed community for people we call "Blue humans". Blue humans are a type of human beings that are wired in a way that conscious thoughts and decisions prevail over all of the instinctive feelings and urges coming from the animal body we, as humans, have. We are the people who are conscious of every single one of our actions, and no feelings of biological nature can override our conscious logical decisions.

Blue humans are supernatural humans.

What defines a Blue human?

Infinite willpower

The most significant difference between the Blue human and other humans is that the Blue human has unlimited willpower. Blue individuals are conscious of every one of their actions. If a Blue individual has resolved a goal, there is nothing that can stop them. They are immune to laziness and related natural energy-saving features of the human body. They are capable of working at the edge of their physical and mental abilities for any amount of time they wish, having to slow down at a specific point only because they cannot push their biological body beyond certain limits.

Because their willpower is limitless, every single action of the Blue individual has to have strong logical reasoning that appeals to their conscious self in the best way possible.

Indomitable sense of right and wrong

The sense of right and wrong is not exclusively limited to Blue individuals—regular people are in possession of the same sense, too. However, regular people have this sense as an external voice. And because this voice is external, their instinctive feelings can easily override it. With Blue individuals, on the other hand, it's embedded into their thinking. Blue humans can neither ignore nor substitute it with something else. If a Blue human does something that is "wrong", there is no escape.

Resistance to instinctive urges

Blue humans are in power to ignore any of their biological urges. However, this does distract them, making them hate all their instinctive feelings. Blue individuals are always in a fight with their biological feelings and urges as they rarely align with what Blue humans consciously consider "right".

Are you a Blue human?

This is the list of criteria to assess whether you are a Blue human:

If you can relate to all of the above, you are a Blue human.

If you are a Blue human

By now, you've most likely never had any real friends, nor have you met any people like yourself. You have most likely always felt like you are an alien, and you never found an explanation for that online. We know that you were looking for answers to your questions, and we know that you are looking for people like you.

If you found this website, you spent enough time looking. And we have good news because you found what you were looking for. We will be happy to see you here, answer your questions, and share the most up-to-date knowledge and resources we have about our nature. Your entry point is

Welcome to the Blue Community.